We Recommend

Have you read a good article about art?

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Submit your recommendations to the webmaster and they will appear on this page.

Remington Robinson's Altoid Tin Paintings

Courtney Armstrong submitted images from the Denver Post about artist Remington Robinson. We can't publish images of copyrighted material, but we CAN publish links! Here's an Instagram link to one of his tiny paintings: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvsfEd2vQgj/

And here is an Instagram capture of a magazine article: https://www.instagram.com/p/CUTyquFlnCd/

If you don't have an Instagram account, I highly recommend that you GET one. It is a super way to follow the work of artists all over the world.

Here is the FAG page, with lots of questions about those little paintings: http://www.remingtonrobinson.com/faq

Art Materials from Dick Blick

www.dickblick.com A click on the BLICK image will take you to our affiliate program. BLICK ART MATERIALS 

Art Can Boost Problem Solving!

The Largest Kansas Art Collection in the World

Mike Michaelis - The Largest Kansas Art Collection in the World


This link was posted by Jennie Letter on the Topeka artists and art lovers to Facebook group.  230709/220603

Dealing with Criticism


This article was written for "Yearbook Volunteers," but I have recently found it quite helpful in dealing with website criticism.

Submitted by LuAnn Lawhon

The column at the right was moved to this page on November 25.

I will start to preserve the recommendations here.

We Recommend

One of the most fun aspects of being a member of the Topeka Art Guild is the sharing of information about ART. Recently, Courtney Armstrong sent me a newspaper article about artist Remington Robinson. He is very well-known for his little paintings in Altoid tins!

I can't post an image of HIS work here (TAG respects copyright laws), but if you check our We Recommend page, you will find links to his work.

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