monthly member meetings

Members meetings are held each month on the 4th Tuesday evening at 6:30 - 8 pm. Information about upcoming meetings will be on the Home page in the "Upcoming Events" listing.

January's Meeting was a discussion with Dana Shobes about his new magazine full of Black Action figures and how he is positively impacting black youth.

December's meeting was a White Elephant with handcrafted goodies to be swapped, traded or stolen by those attending. 

November's meeting was a Friendsgiving with appetizers and desserts brought by those attending.

In October we hosted Miranda Easton, a surrealist acrylic artist. She discussed her inspiration and creative process behind her "I AM" series. It is a collection of paintings representing Kubler-Ross' different stages of grief through various elements.

September was to discuss the New Location and Upcoming Fine Art Fair in March of 2025

June-August Members Meetings are not held

May was our Annual Membership Meeting where we vote in new Board members. 

We had a great BBQ dinner and voted in the new Board plus made other important decisions.

April was Jonah Graf and his sculptures. Great presentation and his sculptures are fabulous.

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